AmigaOS3.5 (99/967)

From:Victor Ian Hayes
Date:3 May 2000 at 02:44:59
Subject:Re: Digest Number 316

Hi everyone,
I been quiet for a while so I thought its time to put in my 2 pence

On 03-May-00,
Shane Ponting, Taranaki, New Zealand, wrote

Message: 17
#Who'd want to *buy* an older OS ?? Pointless really#

Not as pointless as it seems,
1) those Amigians that have older roms cannot use OS3.5.

2) _Tips for those installing OS3.5_

a) Once you have installed OS3.1, make sure your CD Dosdriver is
installed and then switch your computer off for 20 seconds, otherwise
if you are re-installing from a failed OS3.5 installation your system
will still think that you have OS 3.5 installed.

b) If you use Squirrelscsi, re-install it onto your OS 3.1 , before
trying to install OS 3.5. Make sure you have the Squirrelscsi
dosdrivers installed.

c) CacheCD dose not work with Squirrelscsi , on crashes you will get "
can not mount CD0:" ( squirrelscsi is mounted in user-startup)

d) Emergency Disk , will not work with Squirrelscsi, make your scsi
emergency boot disk using the Squirrel software. And make a spare
boot partition on your squirrelscsi drive.

This also has the advantage that if you install or do something stupid
and your system crashes or will not boot, you can easily boot from
your second boot partion and repair your stupidity (I know).


V. I. HAYES Managing Director, PCT - THAILAND

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